Talking about your thoughts and feelings can help make your pain, anger, and sadness less intense. It can help you make sense of your thoughts to help you feel less overwhelmed.
Office Location
Our office is conveniently located at 101 Dogwood Lane Winchester, TN 37398
Our approach
We see ourselves as team members with clients, couples, and families— providing a safe unbiased space to help you process thoughts, feelings, actions, and emotions. We work with adults on reducing unwanted symptoms, gaining more clarity and insight, and identifying tools that will help maintain more long term success. Our work with children and adolescents is more hands on and interactive. We utilize play therapy to develop rapport, understanding, and build skills to help children be successful. Psycho-education is an important component to treatment. It is a building block to helping you to increase skills to manage symptoms or behaviors that may be interfering with day to day life.

“Let go of who you think you are supposed to be; embrace who you are”
-Brene Brown